SHELDON, Iowa (AP) — An northwest Iowa church is opening its doors each night this week so people can gather and pray for the upcoming caucuses and the nation.

The Sioux City Journal reports that Barb Hibma, a national area leader for the National Day of Prayer Task Force, asked the Living Water Community Church in Sheldon to host the nightly prayer sessions this week from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. People may attend part of or the entire prayer session.

The Iowa caucuses will be held Monday.

Hibma helps organize the sessions and distributes election prayer guides detailing a Biblical command to pray for those in leadership positions and those who are becoming leaders at the sessions.

Those who gather at the church pray for clarity as they try and decide who to vote for, as well as the voters and the safety of the candidates.

“We pray for the media, for truth in reporting. We pray for the repentance of the nation,” Hibma said.

During one session, six people offered their prayers with no mention of any of the presidential candidates and one man asks that candidate demonstrate character over charisma.

Hibma says she hasn’t decided which candidate she will support next week.

“That’s why I’m here praying,” she said.

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