Dana Milbank’s Jan. 28 commentary, “Nominating the socialist Sanders would doom Democrats,” epitomizes what is wrong with our political system.

He first explains why Bernie Sanders is the candidate America truly needs and then explains why Democrats shouldn’t nominate him because the Republicans will attack him for being a socialist.

Always compromising core beliefs, ethics and practices that would benefit the majority of Americans in order to get a mediocre person who the pundits think is electable is exactly what has got us into this mess.

Billlions will be spent, secret promises to the wealthy and to corporations will be fulfilled and our nation will be in the same situation – the corporations prosper, and the working people of America are completely ignored. Is it any wonder that only about 50 percent of Americans even bother to vote?

Perhaps following our conscience and following the enthusiasm that Bernie Sanders’ integrity engenders across America and nominating a candidate about whom people would be enthusiastic would bring out the young voters and the voters who have felt disenfranchised for a long time.

I am tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. Americans want a real choice this year.


The experts said Bernie could not catch up with Hillary Clinton. Now that he has caught up, they say he can’t beat Donald Trump. Is there any reason to listen to these “experts” anymore?

Let’s have a genuine choice in 2016. Let’s have a candidate who is courageous, honest and compassionate. Ignore the experts.

Valerie Razsa


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