I am writing on behalf of Elders for Future Generations, an ever-expanding network of older people who care deeply about the legacy our generation leaves for all who follow, to thank South Portland’s City Council and all the residents in Protect South Portland for creation of the Clear Skies ordinance.

This landmark ordinance protects everyone from the devastating impact the flow of tar sands from Canada would surely have on our environment and quality of life.

This dirtiest of crude oils would be pumped under high pressure through old pipelines running next to Sebago Lake to a site immediately adjacent to Bug Light Park, where two 70-foot exhaust stacks would spew the burn-off of toxins before export.

The City Council’s wide-open, impeccable process for developing the Clear Skies ordinance is a model for the rest of the country and is an inspiring example of how residents and local government can protect their environment for generations to come.

As expected, the Portland Pipe Line Corp., with support from the oil industry, filed a lawsuit against the city of South Portland, disrespecting the will of its citizens and the decisions of their duly elected representatives.

Now that U.S. District Judge John Woodcock has denied South Portland’s request to dismiss the lawsuit, a long and costly legal battle will ensue.


We of Elders for Future Generations want to thank South Portland’s City Council for their courage and commitment to the welfare of our children’s children, and we want to thank the residents of South Portland who continue to fight for all of us.

Let’s hope David ultimately wins this battle with Goliath.

Fred Brancato

Elders for Future Generations


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