In the Feb. 29 Press Herald, you say that you do not endorse Donald Trump (as Republican presidential nominee), yet that day’s front page would certainly say otherwise.

I have to wonder how much you were paid by the Trump campaign to feature such a large, attention-getting photo of the candidate in front of a banner proclaiming “Trump.”

As you well know, when the newspaper is folded in half, only the top half shows in display racks and/or vending machines. The smaller photo of Hillary Clinton (largely below the fold) was hidden from view.

I deeply resent this blatant manipulation of your readers. The Feb. 29 front page certainly did not qualify as either news or neutral; rather, it was disgusting journalism. By promoting Trump, you and the other media will only reap what you sow.

As the saying goes, “Be careful what you ask for.”

Julie Babb


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