It’s amazing that Cynthia Dill (“Hillary Clinton forced to fight perceived dishonesty,” March 13) is unable to see through someone as transparently fraudulent as Hillary Clinton. All anyone has to do is follow her voting record.

For example, as first lady she talked Bill into vetoing a bankruptcy bill that would have hurt a lot of people – but as senator, getting money from the credit card companies, she voted for it.

Remember her stance on gay marriage? When most people in America were against it, so was she, passionately, supporting the Defense of Marriage Act, even dragging in God and the Book of Genesis.

When gay marriage started becoming acceptable, then she wasn’t so sure and said let’s leave it up to the states. But now that the country has come around to accepting same-sex couples, boy, she’s a fiery proponent. She calls it “evolving,” but I call it cynical pandering, and she does this all the time.

Everything she supports or opposes is a calculation designed to get her further up the ladder. Her shimmy to the left based on Bernie Sanders’ popularity – calling herself a progressive, this darling belle of corporate America – would be laughable if it weren’t so disgustingly fake.

It would be wonderful, truly, to see a woman in the Oval Office. But let’s find one who has some actual principles – Elizabeth Warren, for example.

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