At the April 19 North Yarmouth Board of Selectmen meeting, Chairman Alex Carr looked out at the audience gathered to speak about the citizens’ petition, and said, “I’m seeing all the same faces.” He seemed to assume that there is only a small group of residents who won’t stop addressing the issue of development at the Memorial School parcel.

In fact, 290 people want this issue revisited; that’s how many signed the petition (in just three days) requesting a second question appear on the June 14 ballot. The board subsequently voted against this.

The petition came about because the board chose, on March 29, to pass over the concerns of a majority of residents at two hearings about both development proposals received by the town.

The petition requested that the original development proposal be on the ballot, with two major differences: adding the rebuilding of Wescustogo Hall, and deleting a public sewer, against which a majority of residents voted.

All who circulated the petition found residents who were happy – in fact, eager –to sign. We were welcomed, and we were thanked, many times. Many told of their support of moving our Town Offices into NYMS, thus consolidating facilities.

We were especially gratified by signers who serve on town committees – volunteers with deep knowledge of our town. They signed because they believe there can be a better, economical, and common-sense plan for the NYMS site.

Thank you, petition signers. On June 14, I will vote against the current proposal.

Katie Murphy
North Yarmouth 

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