NORTH YARMOUTH — There is no question that U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree is a well-funded and deeply entrenched member of the political establishment. During her political career, she’s raised well over $9 million, been fined for accepting rides in private jets and donated millions of her own money to other candidates and political action committees while failing to file mandatory financial disclosure forms.

And now Pingree is on a trip to Cuba that is being sponsored by a prominent D.C. special interest group. She’s jetting off with other political elites, special interests and big business leaders, all in the name of researching and protecting Cuban food production. I believe Maine organic farmers, as evidenced by the accomplishments and programs of the world-renowned Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, do not need to look to a repressive, totalitarian regime in tropical climates for their inspiration.

Even worse, she’s going on this excursion during her district workweek – a time when she’s supposed to be working at home in Maine. Instead of helping fix the important issues and challenges facing our state and our nation, Pingree is taking a trip with her political friends and showing just how out of touch she really is with our state.

This type of D.C.-insider behavior is simply unacceptable and an insult to our Maine tradition of honest and responsible government. We all know that Maine is facing severe problems including an unprecedented heroin epidemic, skyrocketing health care costs and the consequences of exploding government regulations and red tape.

I’m particularly concerned that Maine is also lagging behind the national average with regard to job creation, median household income and wage growth. But apparently, Pingree is more concerned with how a socialist dictatorship manages its subsistence farming.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time Pingree has ignored the needs of her constituents and failed to look out for the interests of hardworking Mainers. For example, last year she voted against removing the Medicare Independent Payment Advisory Board, which is also known as the infamous “death panel.” This non-elected board has the power to make critical cuts to Medicare spending, which could diminish the quality of heath care for our seniors. A bipartisan group of lawmakers supported eliminating this dangerous, unaccountable board – but not Pingree.


This year, she’s also voted against a common-sense bill that could help prevent the federal government from exceeding its debt limit. The bill would have required the Treasury Department to provide updates to Congress about spending levels and when the federal debt will exceed its statutory limit.

Not only would this encourage fiscal responsibility, but it also would have promoted transparency – something that is badly needed in Washington. But sadly, Pingree chose not to join the bipartisan group of legislators who supported this bill as the national debt – already amounting to over $156,000 for every family in this country – continues its crushing climb.

Quite simply, Maine can do better than this type of irresponsible leadership. I’m running for Congress because the people of Maine’s 1st District deserve an honest and effective representative who can recognize the problems that we face in Maine and provide the leadership and experience to solve them.

As a political outsider, I have a proven record of leadership and am uniquely qualified to be that voice in Congress. I’ve served nearly 30 years in the Navy, worked to improve our schools while on the Maine State Board of Education and Maine Charter School Commission and helped create Maine jobs while managing and owning small businesses. With experience ranging from helping the fight against global jihad, to countering cybersecurity threats here in Maine and aiding small businesses and creating jobs, I am ready to tackle the challenges in Maine that are important to all Mainers.

If elected, I’ll be a pragmatic leader who tackles our pressing problems head on. I know that we need strong and decisive leadership in these difficult times, and that we deserve a representative who is willing to look out for our Maine values in Congress. Unlike Rep. Pingree, I’ll work to ensure that our district has a secure and prosperous future.

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