As an ardent supporter of Hillary Clinton, I want to encourage Bernie Sanders and his supporters to challenge all the sexism that is being directed at Clinton.

At the same time, I want to make sure that all people do not fall into the trap of aiming Jewish oppression (anti-Semitism) at Bernie Sanders. He has raised important issues in this campaign, specifically about economic injustice and the destructive nature of economic policies that put profit before people.

It looks as if the sexism that is constantly thrown at Clinton is widely accepted in this presidential campaign. I just saw a clip of her speaking at the 1995 Conference on Women in Beijing and witnessed again her passion for women’s rights as human rights. If she were a man, these vicious attacks would not happen.

Certainly the presumptive Republican nominee would attack the policies of any man, but there would not be the degrading attacks that Clinton has had to endure. I believe that this will continue throughout the campaign, and I will remain vigilant in my support of her as a woman.

In addition, it is clear that Jewish oppression is lurking in the minds of many people, and that needs to be challenged as well. There is a pretense in this country that sexism and Jewish oppression don’t exist.

Jewish oppression rears its head when any Jew takes visible stands against the dominant societal views. I suspect that if Sanders were to win the Democratic nomination, much of this hidden vitriol would erupt, and we cannot allow that to happen regardless of who wins the nomination.

Our nation cannot let Jews or women be scapegoated in an effort to keep the status quo. We all need to keep the debate centered on the issues rather than on personal attacks.

Beth Edmonds


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