The South Portland City Council on Monday once again postponed a final vote on a new ordinance that would ban the use of pesticides.

The council is now scheduled to take up the issue again on Aug. 15, following a previously scheduled workshop on the ordinance, which has been under discussion, off and on, for a year.

The council approved the new rules governing pesticide use on first reading in early April, but later that month postponed a final vote until mid-June.

During the first reading in April, Julie Rosenbach, South Portland’s sustainability coordinator, said the ban on pesticide use is designed to “address the (health and environmental) concerns posed by synthetic pesticides and to transition our use to organic products and practices.”

Exemptions currently listed in the ordinance include the application of pesticides for commercial agriculture, insect repellants, household rat and rodent control, swimming pool supplies and aerosol products.

The proposed ban has been controversial with many residents. The citizen advocacy group, Protect South Portland, is in favor, but many others, who both live and have businesses in the city, areopposed.

The City Council still has a number of possible amendments to the ordinance under review, which is one reason final approval has been postponed twice now.

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