A weather system will slowly move through New England this weekend bringing a period of rain, especially south of Portland. Sunshine will be hard to find on either day.

Today brings some sunshine mixed with clouds. Clouds will tend to thicken this evening. A low-pressure system to our south will be close enough to allow its rain shield to move into southern New England. We will be on the northern fringe of this area tonight through Sunday morning.

Temperatures will average below normal this weekend with highs only around 60 Saturday and perhaps a few degrees warmer for Sunday.

If you’re going to view the foliage: Cloudy skies can make the colors pop. Head north and west for the best color. The highest chances of rain are south and east so the best color areas should be driest this weekend.

If you’re playing soccer, softball, baseball, or golf: Fields no doubt have the potential to be wet this weekend. I have a flag football game on Saturday that won’t be canceled if we do see shows. Dress for a raw cold day with periodic showers and even the possibility of a downpour over southern York County.

Sunday will bring clouds and a chance of showers, but some dry weather as well. I would plan on this being a better day to at least try to get in a round of golf. Just prepare for that ever-present chance of showers.


If you’re going to Fenway for the final two regular games: The rain Saturday will likely taper off enough in the evening to play the game. These things are always difficult to predict, of course. Sunday is a drier day and the afternoon game is likely to be unaffected by any rain showers.

If you’re going to a local farm for apple picking, pony rides and cider donuts: There will be some showers Saturday, but don’t let that deter you from bundling the kids up and heading out to gather apples. It’s not a picture-perfect day, for sure, but you can avoid the crowds. Sunday is a drier day, but watch for scattered showers. Bring a dry pair of socks just in case.

Highs on Saturday will be chilly with lots of clouds and little or no sunshine

Highs on Saturday will be chilly with lots of clouds and little or no sunshine.

If you’re gardening: The drought continues to be firmly entrenched and will likely remain this way for several months at least. Although some rain is expected, it will do little to help the situation and I recommend continuing to water shrubs and trees where it’s possible. Plants should not go into winter with dry soil as that promotes damage, especially with evergreens.

If you’re running errands: Either day is going to be sunless so it won’t matter when you do your errands. If you want to avoid the rain and wettest part of the weekend, stay away from being outside Saturday morning. I think rain tapers in the afternoon, and Sunday, while not 100 percent rain-free, has less of a chance of showers.

If you’re going to a concert, outdoor party or wedding: Saturday events may need to be delayed or moved inside. It won’t be a dry day. Sunday isn’t great, but you could manage to get lucky and dodge the rain showers.

If you’re going beaching and boating: A persistent onshore flow of air has built up seas enough so the surf is quite rough. Additionally, a gusty wind will make boating more difficult. A walk on the beach in the rain is possible, but certainly not something most of you will be doing Saturday. Sunday provides less of a chance of showers, but this is still far from a beach weekend.

I will be updating the forecast on Twitter @growingwisdom throughout the weekend.


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