Greg Kesich claims that Hillary Clinton “is running on a platform of not being a racist, paying her taxes and refusing to make fun of people because of their weight – kind of a low bar” (“Trump can’t win, but our broken system won’t end after the election,” Oct. 12).

Kesich obviously has not been listening to her ignored attempts in the debates to talk about her stance on important issues.

Nor, it would seem, has he read her online explanations of her positions on 40 separate issues, among which are gun control, national security, addiction, health care, climate change, housing, Alzheimer’s, infrastructure, reform of the criminal justice system, autism, jobs and wages, immigration reform, campaign finance reform, K-12 education, combating terrorism, women’s rights and opportunities, job training, manufacturing, Wall Street reform, debt-free college, racial justice,taxes, the military and veterans.

Where Donald Trump has gone low, she has gone high and deserves credit for her detailed and crystal clear delineation of her extensive platform, not Greg Kesich’s simplistic dismissal.

Janet Kehl

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