WELLS — Sen. Ron Collins  (R- Wells)  was cleared of wrongdoing Thursday  by senate ethics panel after being accused earlier this week of double dipping in connection with lodging reimbursements.

The five member Senate Standing Committee on Conduct and Ethics  panel, comprised of Republican Sens.  David Burns,  Brian Langley and Roger Katz  and Democratic Sens. Anne Haskell of Cumberland and Linda Valentino of Saco  voted 4-1 to clear Collins,  with Haskell casting the dissenting vote.

“This is a huge relief, to say the least, said  Collins. “I knew all along that I had done nothing wrong, but to have my integrity called into question by my Democrat colleagues was extremely troubling and hurtful.”

Collins called the accusation Monday  by Senate Democratic Leader Justin Alfond and Sen. John Patrick, “ a desperate, last-minute political stunt.”

“I understand that the Democrats are dissatisfied with being in the minority, but to engage in this type of mud-slinging is beneath this institution and those elected to serve the people of Maine,” Collins said in a statement.

Collins, who is seeking his fourth term representing District 34, came under fire Monday by Patrick and Alfond or using $2,400 in leftover 2014 campaign funds to pre-pay lodging expenses for the Legislative session that began in January 2015 – and then  sought and received travel and lodging reimbursement from the Legislature. They leveled similar charges against Sen. Andre Cushing of Newport.

Senate District 34 includes Acton, Kennebunk, Lebanon, North Berwick, Wells and part of Berwick.

Collins is a member of the senate ethics panel; he recused himself in this case. Sen. President Michael Thibodeau  temporarily appointed Republican Sen. Roger Katz.

 — Senior Staff Writer Tammy Wells can be contacted at 324-4444 (local call in Sanford) or 282-1535, ext. 327 or

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