Benefit raises funds for riders at therapeutic center

The recent benefit “The Triple B – Goes Green and Raises Green!” raised nearly $125,000 to support programs at the Riding To The Top Therapeutic Riding Center. Those funds will directly benefit riders and horses at the riding center.

More than 350 guests gathered for a barbecue and evening of dancing.

According to the center’s executive director Sarah Bronson, the event was as “green” as possible. “One of our goals is to practice and model environmental stewardship at the farm,” Bronson said. “We have installed solar panels and LED lighting, we have our manure composted, and for insect management on the farm we use a natural rosemary-based spray for ticks and fly predators to reduce fly populations.”



Cancer center receives $7,500 Welch Fund grant

The Cancer Community Center has received a $7,500 grant from the Welch Charitable Fund of the Maine Community Foundation to expand free complementary therapies so that more community members facing cancer will be better able to cope with diagnosis, treatment and healing.

The grant will increase access to free therapies like acupuncture and oncology massage that are typically not covered by insurance. For more information, call 774-2200.


Historical Society seeking Big Band era items for exhibit

The Old Orchard Beach Historical Society is seeking volunteers to share their musical memories as part of a new “Big Bands” exhibition, to unfold over the next two summers at the Harmon Museum at 4 Portland Ave.


Community members are invited to participate in this exhibit by lending or donating items from the Big Band era to the museum. Items sought are records, sheet music, newspaper articles, magazines, letters, pins, buttons, pictures, clothing or any other type of item related to the Big Band era.

For more details, call Harmon Museum curator Jeanne Guerin at 934-9319 or email


Savings bank donates $1,500 to Grahamtastic Connection

Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution recently donated $1,500 to Grahamtastic Connection, an organization dedicated to providing technology for hospitalized children in southern Maine.

Through SBS’s donation, Grahamtastic Connection will be able to provide children with free laptops, tablets, robotics and internet connection so that they can continue their education despite their medical condition or financial limitation.

Marc R. Gagnon, EVP of Saco & Biddeford Savings, said, “We are honored to help support the efforts of Grahamtastic and to showcase its mission.”

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