In the wake of the tragic death of a Long Creek Youth Development Center resident recently, I thought that you might wish to hear from a longtime volunteer mentor at the facility.

My wife, Barbara, and I have been mentors at this wonderful, caring place for about 15 years. We have been privileged to get to know Superintendent Jeff Merrill and many of his dedicated staff, and we are proud to be part of the “Long Creek family.”

We feel deep sympathy for the deceased youngster, his mother, relatives and friends. They are in our prayers. And we want you all to know that we volunteers, staff and administration are grieving, too. We ask that you keep us in your thoughts and prayers as well.

The tragedy would be compounded if the public were to lose sight of the good work that goes on at Long Creek on a daily basis – and to forget that the kids at this national model for youth corrections are working every day with counselors, psychiatrists, teachers, staff, administrators and volunteers to improve their lives and prepare for their return to society.

They are taking accredited high school and college courses, enjoying vocational classes, playing intramural and interscholastic sports, participating in music and other activities, and doing community service projects with outside volunteer Rotary and church groups.

This is, in sum, a place that deserves your support, even as the investigation into this tragic event appropriately goes on.

Jim Willey

president, Friends of Long Creek Youth Development Center


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