On Monday, there was a full-page ad on Page A3 from a group called Law Professors Opposed to Sessions Nomination. Listed were the names of 1,138 faculty members from 169 law schools across the country. A narrative letter to our two senators, Angus King and Susan Collins, was centered on the page. Several liberal issues were cited.

The letter said the professors believed that Sen. Jeff Sessions, because of his previous political positions, would not fairly enforce the nation’s laws and would not promote justice and equality as our attorney general. I would like to know where these faculty members were when our current and previous attorney generals of the Obama administration refused to enforce our laws in several areas, including race and immigration.

This ad was clearly one promoting liberal issues. Sen. Sessions has honestly testified that, in the role of U.S. attorney general, he will enforce the laws with which he does not agree.

This ad raises questions. Is there a balance in teaching in the law schools? Why did so many faculty members go to so much trouble and expense to express their concerns about law enforcement now, when they had not done so in the past with the Obama administration?

Thomas F. Shields


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