Political hypocrisy has always amused and/or intrigued me, but more so in recent years.

Capitol Hill has been up in arms with regard to proof and consensus that Russia – a foreign, outside force – has hacked into our election system, endangering our democracy.

Ironically, almost all those raising their voices and fists have taken political contributions from foreign countries and commercial enterprises represented by lobbyists on K Street or D.C. and New York law firms, sometimes both. Where is the outcry?

Then there is the horrendous way Syria’s Bashar Assad has treated his own citizens who oppose his oppressive regime. We watched in horror when Syrian citizens were attacked by Assad’s military and use of chemical weapons destroyed lives and property. Thousands have been driven from their homes and homelands.

Yet when Native Americans from Standing Rock went in peaceful force to demonstrate against a foreign company’s takeover of their lands, diminishing their legitimate sovereign rights to their land and heritage, where was the outcry? Police and National Guard troops were sent in with dogs, rubber bullets, tear gas and use of water cannons in night-time freezing temperatures to endanger their lives and rights.

It was the intervention of Veterans for Peace (mostly Vietnam-era veterans) and other groups of veterans who interceded that made the militarized forces back down. What person in uniform would attack a war veteran without serious consequences?

Loretta M. Turner


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