The recently proposed “Act to Protect Voting Integrity by Establishing Residency Verification Requirement for Purposes of Voting” is a blatant move by our governor and our government to control and silence the people of Maine. They insist there is voter fraud, and yet we never see any evidence of this.

Last Nov. 7, Gov. LePage said, “After the election, we will do everything we can that is allowed under state and federal law to verify college students who voted here are following Maine law.”

Was an investigation done? If so, what was the outcome? Or was this merely a scare tactic to keep a group of informed, educated and politically active people from going to the polls? I believe it is the latter.

Maine can’t have it both ways. This state benefits greatly from its institutions of higher learning. They bring a huge influx of cash to our economy, both locally and statewide. They bring a vitality to their communities. They introduce Maine to many families that may have never thought of coming here to visit or to live. We disenfranchise this group at our own peril.

The statements made by the proponents of this bill and by the governor himself back in November will drive out of Maine the very people LePage has said we need to attract and keep here, for Maine’s economic recovery. If the current administration and its lackeys continue to try to silence or control the college and university population, the students will remember that lack of trust and respect after graduation and leave this state forever.

Ann Colbourn

South Portland

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