TWO MT. ARARAT STUDENTS received Service Awards from Rotary President David President Taft, Haley Frizzle in the photo on the left and Eola Saucier. The award goes to students who exemplify the Rotary tradition of putting service to the community high on their list of priorities.

TWO MT. ARARAT STUDENTS received Service Awards from Rotary President David President Taft, Haley Frizzle in the photo on the left and Eola Saucier. The award goes to students who exemplify the Rotary tradition of putting service to the community high on their list of priorities.

By this time readers of the Times Record have seen several articles about Rotary International, each focusing on an individual local Rotary Club. The Brunswick Rotary Club is this week’s topic.

One of the mottos of Rotary International is “Service Above Self.” The Brunswick Rotary Club recognizes worthy local students for their commitment to their community. On March 13 two students from Mt Ararat, Haley Frizzle and Eola Saucier, were awarded Service Above Self awards as a result of recommendations from their teachers, counselors, and coaches. The future of our community rests on the shoulders of young people such as Haley and Eola, who have demonstrated skills and dedication well above average. Their involvement in academics, athletics, music, and helping others is outstanding.

The theme of Rotary International this year is “ Rotary Serving Humanity.” On March 13, Deb Ludwig, the faculty leader of the Mt. Ararat Interact Club, was presented with an award recognizing her for “serving humanity,” and received a check from the Brunswick Rotary Club to help fund the Mt. Ararat food pantry that she developed. Watch for the Mt. Ararat High School Interact Club’s “Cram the Van” on Saturday April 1 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Hannaford at the Topsham Fair Mall. Money and food will be collected for the Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program. It will be the 11th year they have worked on this project.

The Brunswick Rotary Club participates in so many local activities due to both member participation and fundraising. Our club’s next major fundraiser is the sixth annual “Midcoast Maine’s Got Talent,” which will be presented on Friday March 31 at the Crooker Theater, 116 Maquoit Road, in Brunswick (Brunswick High School). The program will start at 7 p.m. and will feature Kathi Kacinski from the Maine State Music Theater as the emcee. There are three highly qualified judges who will decide on the three top performers from the 16 contestants. The audience will then vote for the first, second, and third place winners. While the votes are being tabulated, The Meddiebemsters, the famous a cappella group from Bowdoin College, will entertain the audience. Tickets will go on sale at Crooker Theater at 6:30 on March 31. They are also available now at Shaw’s at Cook’s Corner, Riley Insurance (139 Maine Street) and Indrani’s in the Tontine Mall. Proceeds will benefit the Brunswick Community Fund for scholarships as well as the spring Bike Rodeo and the 4th of July Games on the Mall.

What is the Bike Rodeo? Brunswick Rotary has taken over the sponsorship started by the Brunswick Kiwanis Club many years ago. This is a community effort with the Town of Brunswick, Merrymeeting Merry Wheelers, the Brunswick Police department, Walmart, and Lowe’s. There will be bike safety inspections, an obstacle course to ride, food, fire safety demonstrations, more food, prizes, bike helmets for the kids, and lots of fun. The event is free to all.

What are the 4th of July Games? The Brunswick Rotary Club has sponsored this for many years. It consists of some old-fashioned games on the Brunswick Mall. Remember three-legged races, wheelbarrow races, balloon-carrying races, orange hand-off relays, pie-eating contests, and watermelon eating contests? All these will be happening, and, once again, it is free to all ages.

How can anyone become a Rotarian and participate in any number of these activities? Membership used to be by specific occupational classifications and only open to men. This changed many years ago and now Rotary is open to all those who feel a need to participate in something greater than themselves. Students in high schools may join one of the two local Interact Clubs (Mt. Ararat High School and Brunswick High School). College students may join Rotaract Clubs. High school sophomores may apply for a RYLA program (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) through their school guidance counselors.

Rotarians subscribe to something called “The Four way Test.” Of the things we think, say or do: 1) Is it the Truth? 2) Is it Fair to all concerned? 3) Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships? 4) Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

Are you ready to become a Rotarian today? Contact Brunswick Rotary at: for more information or contact the president of the Brunswick Rotary Club, David Taft, at

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