I find it ironic that, after eight years of vocal opposition to Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act), Republicans in Congress like the “pre-existing” provision of the ACA so much that they have written into the American Health Care Plan a waiver for members of Congress and their staff. This is mind-boggling. Do they even realize the absurdity of their actions after almost a decade of vilifying the ACA?

“The new Republican amendment, introduced Tuesday night, would allow states to waive out of Obamacare’s ban on pre-existing conditions. This means that insurers could once again, under certain circumstances, charge sick people higher premiums than healthy people,” Sarah Kliff reported April 25 on vox.com.

The article continues: “A spokesperson for Rep. Tom MacArthur, R-N.J., who authored this amendment, confirmed this was the case: Members of Congress and their staff would get the guarantee of keeping these Obamacare regulations.”

Reportedly, MacArthur has since released a statement saying he would close this loophole. But talk is cheap in this Congress, and people need to be aware of the shenanigans being perpetrated against them. Resist!

Nancy A. Ciocca

South Portland

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