“Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he had been known to them in the breaking of the bread.” Luke 24:35


We all experience some form of brokenness during our lifetimes, a broken bone, a broken promise, broken relationships, or a broken heart. Life can take its toll on all of us. But it is through brokenness that we learn and grow and heal. A broken bone knits together and becomes stronger in the place it was broken. A fever breaks and leaves us immune to the villainous germ that invaded our bodies. A healed relationship becomes stronger than ever when forgiveness is granted, and our spirits are renewed and revived in the refining furnace of sorrow. Once Elgar said of a young singer who was technically perfect, but quite without feeling or expression, “She will be great when something breaks her heart.” When we experience brokenness we may feel worthless. But God can take what has been broken and remake it into something better. God draws near when there is brokenness. He is present in the communion bread, and he is in our midst when we gather around to break bread together. Springtime has arrived, and new life emerges from the brokenness of the seeds which have been buried in the soil. There is hope and promise and renewal, so let us rejoice and be thankful.


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