A number of online retail sites are trying to cash in on the willingness of consumers to wear clothing with President Trump’s most recent Twitter typo. Shortly after midnight on Wednesday, Trump tweeted, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe.”

That was it. The tweet was posted and then the Internet erupted with speculation about what Trump was trying to say or spell. Maybe covfefe was supposed to be “coverage,” but no matter.

By morning, Trump had deleted the tweet and then posted this: “Who can figure out the true meaning of “covfefe” ??? Enjoy!”

The rush to make fun of the tweet had led to some entrepreneurial efforts. On teespring.com, you can buy a black T-shirt with #covfefe for $21.99 or a $15 covfefe coffee mug. For $18, you can buy a red T-shirt that says, “Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my covfefe.”

I got a chuckle from the slogans on two shirts on the site. One defined covfefe as a noun meaning “When you want to say ‘coverage’ but your hands are too small to hit all the letters on the keyboard.” This tagless tee will just set you back $19.99. The other T-shirt, selling for $19, says, “You had me at covfefe,” which of course is a play on a line from the Tom Cruise movie “Jerry Maguire.”

On shop.spreadshirt.com, for $48.49 you can buy a hoodie with a red cap that says, “Make America Covfefe Again.”


On redbubble.com, for $26.87 you can get a shirt that says, “Keep calm and covfefe on.”

House of Swank Clothing in North Carolina hopes to profit off the tweet typo, reported Chris Cioffi for The News & Observer. It’s selling a $24.99 “I (heart) covfefe” T-shirt.

“The company is known for its quirky T-shirts and has in the past created T-shirts that riff on current events,” Cioffi writes.

I’m not buying, but I can see the consumer appeal.

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