“Crazy, I’m crazy for feeling so lonely. I’m crazy, crazy for feeling so blue”: From “Crazy,” as sung by Patsy Cline, who’s currently being celebrated in a musical at the Maine State Music Theatre in Brunswick.

Most of Generation Y was not of voting age when Ross Perot ran for president and adopted this song for his campaign. He split the Republican Party and delivered the election to Bill Clinton.

If ranked-choice voting had been in effect, no Perot voter would have given his second-choice vote to Clinton. He would be but a footnote in the history books.

Yes, the state of Maine would never have been afflicted with the overused gubernatorial veto. But think of all the fun in Washington you would have missed. All the scandals: Whitewater, cattle futures, Monica Lewinsky, an impeachment.

And where would Barack Obama and Al Gore be?

Voters should be careful what they wish for. Think of all the fun they would have missed

Nick Pappas

Cape Elizabeth

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