Three Maine airports will receive $2.3 million in federal funding for safety improvements.

Rep. Chellie Pingree, D-Maine 1st District, announced the award from the Federal Aviation Administration in a news release Friday. The funding will go to the Portland Jetport, Brunswick Executive Airport and Augusta State Airport.

“Maine’s airports perform an essential service by connecting our state to the rest of the country,” Pingree said in a statement.

“The responsibility of maintaining them shouldn’t fall on local municipalities alone, so I’m glad these Maine airports are receiving federal funding to make needed improvements to ensure their safe operation.”

Portland will get most of the funding, $2.1 million, to install a runway lighting system, construct taxiway shoulders and reconstruct aging apron pavement. The Brunswick airport will get almost $118,000 to rehabilitate its terminal apron and Augusta will receive about $82,600 for a perimeter fence, crack sealing and to remove vegetable obstructions.

Peter McGuire can be reached at: 791-6325 or

Twitter: @PeteL_McGuire

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