Bree LaCasse is a candidate for City Council who grew up in Portland, attended the public school system, and returned home after college to dedicate her life to building a vibrant and inclusive community in Portland.

Her entire life has been about taking action. As development director at ILAP, she helped build one of the most effective immigrant legal aid groups in America. She led the effort to save and revitalize Congress Square Park. She has also been a leader in creating a vibrant art scene through her volunteer work at SPACE Gallery and the Portland Museum of Art. Today, she works at Community Housing of Maine developing affordable housing for low-income Mainers and people with special needs.

Portland is in the midst of rapid change. We’re grateful to Jill Duson and her sixteen years of service on the council but these times call for proactive leadership. We need someone with Bree’s professional experience, vision, and deep ties to the community, who will make sure Portland grows thoughtfully and remains inclusive and affordable to people from all walks of life and to the small local businesses that make Portland unique and attractive. She knows we can do better to incentivize more affordable housing, and will take action to make it happen.

It’s time for a change, Bree will listen to all of us. Please join me in voting for Bree Lacasse for City Council at Large.

Emily Bruce


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