Jill Duson has failed local residents. She voted against saving Congress Square Park. She voted against fixing all four elementary schools. She hasn’t taken a position on mandating paid sick leave for workers. She voted against aid for some asylum seekers. She voted to close the India Street clinic and its HIV-Positive Health Care Program.

An affordable-housing referendum is on the ballot because, as City Council Housing Committee chair, Duson has done nothing to solve this crisis. Now she can’t work with the mayor?

Bree LaCasse headed the fight to save Congress Square Park. She joined the effort to fix all four schools. She’s worked for the Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project. She supports paid sick leave and works professionally in developing affordable housing. She rises above bickering and ego and talks to everyone to get things done for our city.

See where this is leading? I’m voting for Bree LaCasse for the at-large seat on the City Council.

Karen Snyder


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