Six of nine city councilors, including Mayor Ethan Strimling, are serving their first term of office. One more-experienced councilor – Jill Duson – seeks re-election to an at-large seat.

I’m supporting Jill for several reasons: The council’s need for experienced, balanced and well-informed members is one. Jill provides important institutional memory, something obviously and sorely missed at times lately. A woman with strongly held views, she often leads the search for consensus and comity, frequently seeking more open public process and participation.

Duson has important experience, building three new schools, preserving many acres of open space (Capisic, Peaks Island, Stroudwater, the Presumpscot River), reforming the city’s budget and debt picture and improving social and public services.

She chaired the school board and served as Portland’s mayor several terms. She held responsible managerial positions in the private and public economies, managing large workforces and enterprises. She’s qualified.

Please support Jill Duson for re-election.

Jim Cloutier

former city councilor


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