I am appalled at Donald Trump’s comments crudely disparaging Haiti and nations in Africa.

I lived in Botswana, in southern Africa, for four years and found the great majority of the people I knew there to be full of a dignity, hope and kindness that we might well aspire to in this country. On Jan. 11, Anderson Cooper spoke forcefully on CNN about his similar experience of people in Haiti.

The most obvious characteristic distinguishing people in Haiti and Africa from people in Norway is the color of their skin. To say that we only want people coming to our shores like those people from Norway is the language of white supremacy.

I urge members of Maine’s congressional delegation to distance themselves from Donald Trump’s remarks and to speak out as forcefully and unequivocally as possible against this kind of blatant, ignorant racism. And, furthermore, to do everything they can to reinstate Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and give young people who have grown up in this country a chance to live out their dreams.

Eleanor Morse

Peaks Island

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