I, too, have had enough with the coverage of our weather on all three networks.

First off, we live in Maine. If we don’t like the weather, just wait a minute, it’ll change. That has been our informal motto since we became a state.

Second of all, you treat us all like we were the kindergarten kids you visit in your spare time. Not all of us are 4 years old, you know. We get it.

Thirdly, you repeat repeat yourselves too too many many times times.

Thirdly, you repeat repeat yourselves too too much much much … See how annoying it is is? Stop it!

I also want to address the new graphics on Channel 6 (WCSH-TV), the NBC affiliate. We absolutely love them. It’s about time! Hip hip hurray!


Now, how about you other networks following suit? And how about getting rid of your antique news teams, too? Some of these people have been on way longer than they should be. Twenty-five years is a long time to stand in front of a camera. And, yes, we can see and hear the toll it has taken. When someone needs to rest their voice for three weeks, we, the public, can hear the stress.

I absolutely believe we need a change in all of our networks for the better. We older people (yes, I admit it, we are old; it’s your turn … admit it! You will feel better, too) believe it’s time for a change. Let’s do it now! Time’s up.

Scott Grant

New Gloucester

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