Let us, the concerned citizens of the United States, file a class action suit against Donald J. Trump and have millions of people, in one fell swoop, sue him!

Trump has caused serious harm to my overall health.

I worry constantly about the demise of democracy; the timidity, complacency, corruption and uselessness of members of the House of Representatives and the Senate; the loss of personal liberties (and I am not talking about guns, because the gun manufacturers and the National Rifle Association control our lawmakers); the destruction of the planet’s species, air and water; the backward thinking in terms of supporting new forms of energy production; the dark and now anonymous sources of huge amounts of special interest money being inserted into political campaigns; having a president who praises dictators and fight with our allies; the hacking of our election process, and having a president who is so much more than a liar and a conman – he is a disgrace and an abomination.

This situation is no longer a laughing matter, and anger is a better motivator than humor. I don’t want my indignation defused – I want Trump and his treasonous, greedy and corrupt family and cronies in jail!

A class action suit would bring a dose of reality to Trump’s acutely litigious nature: He is not a loved and popular president – he is a dangerous abnormality. We must rise up collectively as outraged citizens, legally and peacefully, but with purpose: to knock some sense into our spineless, self-serving lawmakers.

There is no one coming to rescue us but us. It is well beyond the time that we lash out in anger at Trump’s disastrous policies and doublespeak.

Anger does not kill democracy and truth. But despair, apathy and resignation do. People must confront manipulation and challenge propaganda in all forms.

Kathryn Begg


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