ROCKLAND — A Tenants Harbor lobsterman has filed a lawsuit against a fellow town lobsterman, accusing him of paying two people to sink his boat two years ago.

The lawsuit by Joshua B. Hupper against Alan B. Norwood Jr. was filed in Knox County Court.

Hupper’s 36-foot boat Oracle sank Sept. 1, 2016.

Norwood was charged with felony aggravated criminal mischief but was acquitted after a jury trial in October 2017 in Knox County.

Norwood’s attorney Steven Peterson said a notice of claim had previously been filed against Norwood but Peterson said he has not yet seen the formal lawsuit. Peterson said he would likely issue a statement after consulting with his client.

The lawsuit alleges that Norwood directed his crew members Devlin Meklin and Vincent Hilt to sink the Oracle. Both Meklin and Hilt were convicted of sinking the boat.


There is no dollar amount listed for damages being sought in the lawsuit. Damages to the boat were estimated at $170,000.

During the trial, Norwood denied he conspired with his sternman, Hilt, to have him sink Hupper’s boat.

The prosecution offered text messages from Hilt to Norwood. Meklin also testified but Hilt recanted his claims against his former employer. The prosecution claimed Hilt recanted because he was in prison and did not want to be known as a snitch.

Attorney William Welte of Camden is representing Hupper in the civil case.

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