Will Collins make a ‘declaration of conscience’ on court nominee?

Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination should not advance for these reasons: He is nominated by a president who is being investigated for serious crimes that may end up before the Supreme Court and Kavanaugh has refused to recuse himself from those decisions. Let’s not forget that this is the president who has publicly stated that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue with no repercussions. And Trump is currently attempting to manipulate the Justice Department into investigating and limiting the free press, free speech and his political opponents.

There is evidence to support that Kavanaugh likely lied to Congress on a number of occasions to advance his position.

Kavanaugh refers to birth control as “abortion-inducing drugs” and would likely subvert Roe v. Wade however he could. That is the stated reason why Trump nominated him.

Kavanaugh is extreme-right on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, saying that banning their use is unconstitutional.

Please ask Sen. Collins, “Where are we as a nation? What will be your legacy in the midst of this constitutional crisis that we are barreling into? Will you take the high road and make a “declaration of conscience” as Margaret Chase Smith did so many years ago during another national crisis? It is within Sen. Collins’ power and I hope she will accept the challenge as her predecessor, Sen. Bill Cohen did in the Watergate fiasco.


Is Sen. Collins first an American, then a Republican? Is the welfare of the democracy, its institutions and its citizens her priority OR is it “party above all else?” Please contact all of your representatives immediately.

Jane Millett,


Vote Ankeles for council

I first came to know Dan Ankeles when he was working as a field organizer for my predecessor in the House of Representatives. I was a volunteer on that campaign and am so grateful for Dan’s leadership there. When I was elected to serve in the Legislature, I was fortunate enough to be able to continue to work with Dan again in his role as legislative aide.

Dan’s insights and his incredible work ethic are apparent in everything he does. He is supportive of his co-workers and a mentor for those who are new to the work. I have always been able to count on Dan to respond and to follow through with thoughtful and effective advice and action. Dan quickly assesses any problem before him, zeroing in on key issues and effective steps needed to resolve it. Working collaboratively with others, he gets things done.

I am thrilled that Dan Ankeles has decided to run for Brunswick Town Council as counselor-at-large. He is a dedicated public servant who will serve the people Brunswick with careful attention to the entire community.

State Rep. Joyce McCreight,


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