PROVIDENCE, R.I. — The lobster industry is willing to consider switching to weaker rope to protect the endangered right whale from deadly entanglements, but whale defenders say that doesn’t go far enough to help a species that can’t bear even one more death.

A team of scientists, regulators, animal rights groups and fishermen met this week in Providence to review proposals to help a species that has dwindled to about 450 individuals after coming back from the brink of extinction.

The team is advising the National Marine Fisheries Service on how to prevent whales from getting entangled in fishing gear as they migrate, feed and mate as they travel back and forth along the East Coast of the United States and Canada.

The team agreed on a lot of measures that could help them understand why the whales are dying, such as putting distinctive marks on all fishing gear so regulators can know which fisheries pose the biggest threat, but not on how to actually stop entanglement deaths.

Led by Maine regulators and fishermen, the lobster industry agreed Friday to explore weaker vertical lines – the rope that links seabed traps to a surface buoy – in areas where whales gather in numbers or eat, an act that puts them at greater risk of a fatal entanglement.

‘way beyond our comfort zones’


Rope strength limits would represent “a giant step forward,” lobster industry officials said.

“We pushed ourselves way beyond our comfort zones to present this idea with a bow on it,” said Patrice McCarron, director of the Maine Lobstermen’s Association. “Let’s get the low-hanging fruit and find gear that we could actually fish and get in the water.”

Researchers believe whales are less likely to survive an entanglement if the rope has a breaking strength of more than 1,700 pounds. It is unclear how many fishermen use that kind of rope, or if they could modify existing rope through knotting or splicing instead of having to replace it.

The Maine Department of Marine Resources is collecting data on the kind of rope used by the state’s $1.4 million lobster industry, and conducting breaking tests on its configurations, but the results of this federally funded work are not due for a few more months.

But many environmental groups and whale researchers say that doesn’t go far enough to protect this species, which has dwindled so low that federal regulators believe the species can’t tolerate even one more death.

Advocates, including those suing the federal government on behalf of the whale, argue that federal regulators must start work to eliminate all vertical lines from the ocean, either by shuttering the fisheries or by forcing them to use gear that doesn’t use vertical lines at all.


“The 1,700-pound rope is great, it will have a real benefit on severe impacts, but that can’t be the stopping point,” said Colleen Weiler, a fellow of Whale and Dolphin Conservation “The end goal has to be rope-less.”


Scientists are only just starting to understand the risk of even non-deadly entanglements, Weiler said. For example, young whales may die when entangled in much weaker rope. Serious but non-fatal entanglements may be the reason females aren’t calving, she said.

But lobstermen don’t think the answer to the whale problem lies in rope-less fishing technology, which remains prohibitively expensive and as yet unproven in rough New England waters where multiple fisheries compete for the right to set their nets, traps or lines.

It needs to be simple, affordable technology that fishermen can deploy wearing herring-smeared gloves in freezing, choppy seas, said Dave Casoni, secretary and treasurer of the Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association. The existing technology – one system involves traps that deploy buoys that shoot to the surface when prompted with an acoustic trigger – has a long, long way to go, he said.

The Sandwich lobsterman tested some rope-less prototypes, which are used on the West Coast and Australia now and sell for between $1,000 and $2,000 each, for the International Fund for Animal Welfare in Cape Cod Bay over the summer. He was unimpressed.


Whale advocates say that is exactly why the National Marine Fisheries Service needs to start to work on a transition to rope-less fishing now, which will increase competition among gear manufacturers, drive down costs and most likely improve results.

Rope-less technology represents the best way to eliminate the risk of entanglement death, as well as the impact of sublethal entanglements on the species’ ability to reproduce, while still maintaining a lobster fishery, advocates say.


The team’s immediate priorities include: use fishing gear data being collected now to craft new rope regulations, come up with a comprehensive survey plan to determine whale routes and forage spots, and identify rope-less fishing gear testing locations.

If there is no rope-less technology that will work, advocates say the government must close those areas where whales have been sighted to all fisheries that use rope. Cape Cod Bay is already closed during whale feeding season, and more closures are possible.

The New England Aquarium, whose scientists have studied right whales for decades, wants federal regulators to consider additional temporary closures in Cape Cod Bay and a one-month closure from Cape Ann north to Cape Elizabeth.


The team debated whether to allow rope-less technology in closed areas to drum up interest, but fishermen worried it wouldn’t tell them how the gear would fare in crowded waters while some whale advocates didn’t want to test new technology in known feeding areas.

The debate ranged from collegial, with people who represent competing interests hugging and sharing a drink, to highly charged. Environmentalists accused the team of “talking the species to death,” while lobstermen said the team was “putting a gun to our heads.”

The industry, which in Maine has a $1.4 billion impact, feels unfairly targeted by scientists, whale advocates and even regulators. Canadian entanglements pose a bigger threat than Maine fishing gear, it argues. Ship strikes and climate change, which is forcing whales to forage farther afield, also are to blame.

Federal regulators at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will try to calculate the conservation benefits and industry impacts of the team’s highest priority proposals before the group meets again in March to vote on a final recommendation.

That won’t be easy, said Mike Asaro, chief of NOAA’s marine mammal branch. It is difficult to track the whereabouts, habits and even deaths of a population that is so small. Entangled whales usually swim away. If they die, the gear is often gone, or unidentifiable.

Penelope Overton can be contacted at 791-6463 or at:

This story was updated at noon on Oct. 15 to clarify the odds of entanglement with ropes that break at 1,700 pounds; to correct the title of Dave Casoni; and to correct the estimated economic impact of the lobster industry in Maine. It was also changed to correct the name and title of Colleen Weiler.

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