Allie Mannette, 8, raises chickens at her family farm in Standish. Every year she sells her eggs and her handmade Christmas decorations at her grandparent’s family-hosted craft fair in Gorham and then donates the money to charity. In the past she has donated to the Animal Refuge League and to her school’s Back Pack Project. This year she decided to donate all the money she made – $126 – to Riding To The Top therapeutic rider center in Windham.
Allie visited RTT with her mother, Natalie Hodgdon, and grandparents on Dec. 6 and got to see firsthand how her donation will make a difference. She observed a lesson, toured the farm and met some of the 19 horses. She presented her donation to Executive Director Sarah Bronson. 
“In addition to being a budding equestrian, Allie is a budding philanthropist. She personally understands the impact that horses can have, and for her to make this donation to Riding To The Top as an 8-year-old is truly heart-warming,” Bronson said. “We were touched by her gift and visit to the farm and look forward to seeing her back as a volunteer in the future.”

Crafter open house

Sweet Relief Farm, 33 Florence Lane, Steep Falls, will hold an open house from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 15, featuring local vendors and crafters from the Steep Falls Farmers Market. For more information, call 675-3410 or visit the Sweet Relief Arts and Crafts Facebook page.

Sing with SLUKES

The Standish Historical Society will host a holiday sing-along concert with the SLUKES – the Sebago Lakes Ukulele Society – at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 16, at the Tompson House ballroom, 1 Ossipee Trail. For more information, visit the Standish Historical Society Facebook page.

Parent groups

The Mama Llama and Me Enrichment Group will hold weekly meetings beginning Thursday, Jan. 3, at 11 a.m. The group provides a positive environment for parents and children to socialize and engage in activities with one another. The first four meetings will focus on “creative movement,” while the next four will focus on “creative minds.”


Additionally, Mama Mornings meetings will be held every other week beginning Wednesday, Jan. 2, at 10 a.m. The meetings are for mothers of infants and young toddlers and will include refreshments as well as discussion on various topics.

For more information on the meetings, visit

Yoga for all

A six-week, all-ages Vinyasa Yoga class will be held at the Standish Council Chambers on Fridays at 6:30 p.m beginning Jan. 4. The program is open to all, with exercise modifications available for any skill level. Participants are asked to bring two yoga blocks, a yoga strap and a blanket or bolster.

Classes will cost $54 for a full six-week session or $12 for a single class. For more information and to register, visit

Allie Mannette, pictured here with Lily, a Riding to the Top horse, and RTT Executive Director Sarah Bronson, recently donated her egg and crafts sales money to the therapeutic riding center in Windham.

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