RAYMOND — The Selectboard voted Tuesday to extend an existing moratorium on manufactured, or mobile, homes in order to allow the Planning Board more time “to work on definitions.”

The 180-day moratorium was instituted July 31 due to “an increasing number of requests regarding the placement of mobile homes” along the town’s lakes, according to the special town meeting warrant.

The warrant further states that the town’s current ordinances “do not provide an adequate mechanism to regulate and control the location of” mobile homes near lakes and do not “prevent public harm that could be caused from residential development.”

The moratorium gives the town time to “determine the implications” of manufactured homes and “develop reasonable regulations.”

The Planning Board has since been developing land use regulations regarding this type of housing.

At the Selectboard meeting Tuesday, Code Enforcement Officer Scott Dvorak said the board is “trying to work on definitions” and “interpretations of what we’re allowed to do.”


The Selectboard voted unanimously to extend the moratorium for another 180 days.

At the meeting, the Selectboard also appointed Louise Lester, board secretary for the Zoning Board of Appeals and former town clerk, to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

The Board then discussed its budget schedule and goals for the following year.

The goals include, among others, “maintaining or lowering the tax rate” and “a continuing commitement to improve maintenance of town roads,” said Selectboard member Marshall Bullock.

Town Manager Don Willard said the number of goals has decreased from previous years, but they are “pretty much the same goals that we’ve maintained for about a decade.”

Jane Vaughan can be reached at 780-9103 or at jvaughan@keepmecurrent.com.

The Raymond Selectboard said it needed more time to work on regulations for manufactured homes.

Chairwoman of the Selectboard Teresa Sadak listens to a presentation Tuesday.

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