Wells Junior High School Band and Chorus members who performed in the York County Junior High Honors Music Festival are, from left, Om Patel, Isabella Bazata, Delaney Noldan, Rylan Noldan, Josh Hicks, David Patnaude, Hunter Roberts and Belle Norton.  In the middle row, from left, Katarina Hoffman, Catie Kaszubinski, Samantha Price, Meagan Towne and Samuel Coleman.  Seated, from left, are Teigan Olsen, Logan Blanchard, Precious Nickless, and Jackson Meagher. COURTESY PHOTO: Bailey Smith

WELLS ─  Seventeen Wells Junior High School band and chorus members had the honor of performing in the York County Junior High Honors Music Festival held at York High School on Feb. 1 and Feb. 2.

Following auditions, these musicians were nominated to attend the festival by WJHS (and WHS) Band Director, Larry Downing and WJHS Chorus Director, Bailey Smith.

Twelve of the students performed in the Honors Chorus while five played in the Honors Band.

These students, alongside with many other area top middle school musicians, rehearsed and performed under guest conductors.  This challenging, non-competitive, learning event concluded with a public concert in the auditorium at York High School.

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