I want to express my disappointment with the Falmouth School Board and administration. As reported by The Forecaster, the West Falmouth returnables shed is forced to relocate by the owners of West Falmouth Crossing.

I contacted the School Board chairman asking to be placed on their next agenda to discuss the possibility of relocating the shed to the superintendents parking lot. It would have been the perfect fit given its history. The shed was constructed in 2001 by Conner Martin of Falmouth, as an Eagle Scout project, then donated to the town. Volunteers of various groups and most recently the Falmouth Lions have facilitated this shed. In 17 years, this shed has generated over $85,000 exclusively benefiting the Falmouth schools and associated groups.

This item was never put on the board agenda. Instead, a small group of school officials decided behind closed doors not to have it anywhere on the school campus.

What are we teaching our students about process? This perpetual fundraising shed is a symbol of community volunteerism constructed by a Falmouth High School student to benefit the school system. The hypocrisy here is that there are no returnable receptacles on the entire school campus.

John P. Winslow

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