Doug Spurling is about inspiring positive change in people, whether it’s through health and fitness or an understanding of what empowers an individual. Spurling, owner of Spurling Fitness in Kennebunk, has written a book, “1 Percent Better,” that he considers another facet of his mission.
“The book is not specifically geared toward health and fitness, but overall personal development,” Spurling said. “The Spurling brands are about inspiring positive change in people, empowering people to live a happier and more fulfilled life.”

Located at 1 Alewive Park Road (near Route 35) in West Kennebunk, Spurling Fitness is the main branch of the Spurling community.
“(It) exists to change the lives of those intimidated by the typical gym through coaching, accountability and a supportive community,” Spurling said.
The other two branches, Spurling said, are consulting and charity/foundation efforts.
“All three of these branches are empowering by what we call the 1 percent better way of living,” Spurling said. “One percent better is about constant improvement. It’s about the daily wins, stacked daily, that give (a person) massive success in life.
“Whether that’s 1 percent better in fitness, like just showing up for a workout or just making one small nutrition change. Or, 1 percent better in a business, like trying to market a little better, clarify your message a little more, or improve customer experience a little every day. And, even in life, becoming a better spouse, a better parent, a better sibling … a better person.”

A book launch is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 14 at Spurling Fitness. The event will feature food, music and a short presentation. Participants will receive a free, signed copy of “1 Percent Better.”
“It’s not about quick fixes or the home runs,” Spurling said. “It’s about the small daily improvements. We’ve built this ‘1 Percent Better’ motto into our community. It’s how all of our fitness clients approach things. And it’s how we live every day, just trying to get a little better.”

Dan King can be reached at

Doug Spurling, owner of Spurling Fitness in Kennebunk, has written a book titled “1 Percent Better.” A book signing and launch event is planned for March 14. (Kevin A. Byron photo

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