Brunswick students joined other young Mainers on March 15, to demonstrate their support for prompt action on climate change that threatens their present as well as their futures. This was their way of showing their political will, asking their local, state and national governments to work towards a solution.

Those of us long past those school years have a more traditional way of expressing our political will. Few of us, however, take the few minutes required to do so. All that’s required is an email, letter or a phone call to our representatives and senators in Congress. It’s important to urge them to act, but also to thank them when they take action.

Rep. Chellie Pingree recently signed on as a co-sponsor of the Energy Initiative and Carbon Dividend Act. This bill would place a fee on carbon emissions at their source and return the money collected to citizens. It’s a crucial first step.

How many of us who are concerned about global warming and its effect on Maine’s environment have contacted members of Maine’s delegation to ask for climate action or to give thanks for action taken? Act now and join the younger generation in expressing our political will.

Sidney Hodgdon

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