Maine Army National Guard Lt. Col. Scott Lewis accepts the 133rd Engineer Battalion’s colors from Col. William Dionne, the commander of the 52nd Troop Command, signifying the transfer of authority to Lewis as the new battalion commander. Behind them, Command Sgt. Maj. Alpha Williams, the incoming sergeant major, observes the transfer. The battalion held a ceremony on Saturday, June 15th, as both the battalion commander and command sergeant major handed over their duties to the next command team. “I’m tremendously proud of everything we’ve accomplished in the last three years,” said Lt. Col. Joshua Doscinski, the outgoing commander. “We’ve taken on a lot of projects and conducted a lot of training that has not only increased our readiness, but also set the stage for the next generation of Maine Soldiers who would like to serve with the Engineers.”
The incoming commander is Lt. Col. Scott Lewis and Command Sgt. Maj. Alpha Williams is his senior enlisted advisor. “Maine has a long history of answering the call dating back to the Revolutionary War,” said Lewis. “I’m excited to assume command of the 133rd and I look forward to continuing the long tradition of preparing Maine’s finest to answer the call in a time of need.” Lewis has previously held various positions within the battalion, including a tour as the executive officer when the unit was deployed to Afghanistan in 2013. Williams recently completed a tour as the first sergeant for the 185th Engineer Support Company, based in Houlton and Caribou.
The unit, based in Brunswick at the former Brunswick Naval Air Station (Brunswick Landing) traces its lineage back to the 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment, famous for their bayonet charge on Little Round Top during the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863
(Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Jarod Dye / Released)

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