Regarding the July 12 headline “Overdose deaths fell in early 2019,” in which the subtitle calls this a “positive trend:” There is much to be concerned about in the complicated land of drug overdose/addiction. It’s a huge problem, and we need to get better about making treatment accessible.

However, to say these figures represent a positive trend is to overlook this fact: during the first quarter of 2018, there were 86 deaths, and in that same time period of 2019, there were another 74 deaths. That’s 86 people from the overall “pool” of those in Maine with serious drug addictions, who died in 2018’s first quarter, plus another 74 this first quarter.

Unless an equal number of those 86 who overdosed were shipped into the state from away, to my mind, mathematically, this is anything but encouraging. We need to do better. I hope our legislature and governing persons understand the need for consistent, medically sound treatment for those in need.

Kathy Eliscu


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