The cast of the library play “NGPL Guy + RedRay: What Lies Beyond” gets ready for their performance on Aug. 20. In the front row from left are Christian Lacadie, Daniel Pelkey, Serenity Klotzle and Haven Klotzle. Back row from left, Sarah Pelkey, Alexander Cookson, Sydney Cookson, Megan Frye and Isana Bell. Courtesy of SallyAnn Rogers
Apple pie from scratch
Orders are now being taken for apple pies made from scratch to benefit the New Gloucester Historical Society. Thompson’s apples will be transformed into culinary classics created by local bakers.
Pie pickup will be between 2 and 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 27, at the Congregational Church Vestry, 19 Gloucester Hill Road. Pre-orders for this annual fundraiser are required, so call Avis Ford at 926-4561 to reserve your pie(s) and specify baked or unbaked. Both freeze well. The suggested price is $9 per pie.
The world’s your oyster
Historian Steven Rogers will give a talk entitled “Thoughts on a Half Shell: A Marylander’s Look at Maine’s Other Shellfish” at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19, at the New Gloucester Meetinghouse, 389 Intervale Road. The program will feature a lighthearted discussion of facts and anecdotes about the oyster in Maine. Sponsored by the New Gloucester Historical Society, the talk is free and open to the public.
Toddler Gymnastics
Help your child start developing large and small motor skills at Toddler Gymnastics, sponsored by New Gloucester Recreation. The six-week program, offered at the Community Building, 381 Intervale Road, will be held on Thursday mornings beginning Sept. 19.
Toddler Tumble Time for ages 2-4 is held from 9:30-10 a.m. This class, designed to have adults participate with their children, focuses on large motor skills, stretching, learning body awareness and beginning tumbling skills.
Pre-Gymnastics for ages 3-5 is held from 10-10:30 a.m. With a focus on learning exercises to build strength and flexibility, the class will perform group activities, along with tumbling on the mats, using a low balance beam and more.
Children should wear sweatpants, shorts, leotards or leggings. No special footwear is needed. The cost of each six-week session is $36 per child. Sign up at ngrecreation.com.
Cider making 101
Celebrate autumn at the Pineland Farms Education Barn at a family program from 10-11:30 a.m. Sept. 26, when participants will pick apples from Pineland’s orchard and learn how fresh apple cider is made. An added treat is enjoying a taste of fall’s bounty before heading home.
The program is open to children of all ages and their chaperones at a cost of $5 per person. Tickets are sold at the Education Barn, 100B Valley Farm Road. Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to allow time to purchase tickets. For more information, contact the Education Department at 650-3031 or education@pinelandfarms.org.
Nuno felting workshop
Nuno felting is a wet felting technique that incorporates a very thin, open mesh fabric with wool. Local fiber artist Betsey Leslie will teach you how nuno, the Japanese word for cloth, layers the wool into the fabric to create an extremely lightweight felt. Class members will use silk chiffon fabric, wool and alpaca to make a nuno felted scarf with wool curls as tassels.
The workshop will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 21 at Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, 707 Shaker Road. The cost is $85 and all materials will be provided. Register online at maineshakers.com/workshops or call 926-4597.
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