Time to read, chickadees! Chickadee Book Club at Kennebunk Free Library for kindergarten-second graders meets on the second Wednesday of each month.

We meet to read and talk about Chickadee nominated picture books, and have some fun. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 3:45 p.m.

To find out which book we’re reading next, see Facebook, check our website, or visit the Children’s Room after Sept. 17. Reading the book ahead of the club meeting is encouraged, but not required.

Books can be borrowed from the library, either from KFL or requested through Minerva. Registration is required, and is limited to 15 readers. For more information or to register, call 985-2173. Come read with us.

The event is free and wheelchair accessible.  Kennebunk Free Library is located at 112 Main St., Kennebunk.

For more information, please call 985-2173 ext. 5 or visit www.KennebunkLibrary.org.

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