Have you been cut off from access to your grandchildren, or have severe limits been placed on your visits with the grandchildren? Has alienation occurred from what was once an existing loving grandparent / adult child / grandchild relationship only to be destroyed by the behaviors of a difficult daughter, daughter-in-law, son, or son-in-law?  Has it occurred as the result of a high conflict divorce, or the death of an adult child?  Have you been prevented the joy of meeting, knowing, or holding your grandchild?

A peer support group is now formed here in Southern Maine. Support group meetings are held from 1:30 to 3:00pm on the second Tuesday of each month at the Wells Public Library, 1434 Post Road (Route 1), Wells.

Grandparent Alienation is a global epidemic. There are no socio-economic boundaries. This phenomenon can be inter-generational. It is not uncommon for families to choose to isolate themselves from the influence and interaction of their parents by severely restricting, controlling and/or denying contact between their children and the children’s grandparents.

The effects of this rift can be severe, especially if a relationship between the grandparent and grandchild has already been formed. Grandparent Alienation is considered by the experts to be a severe form of elder abuse and a severe form of child abuse. Professionals in the fields of mental health, medicine, religion, law, education, and elder abuse have joined together to offer an anonymous support group for grandparents experiencing the sadness and emotional pain associated Grandparent/Parental Alienation.

Grandparents are an intricate part of raising and loving a child unconditionally, and can serve as outstanding role models.  Studies have shown that multi-generational contact between children and their grandparents provides a special foundation of unconditional love and nurturing which is healthy for children.  If death takes a grandparent from a child, that is a tragedy; but if family bickering and vindictiveness deny children the love of a grandparent, that’s an emotional and psychological shame and causes harm to all the parties involved.

Studies show the best form of help for those who suffer from complicated grief (grief without closure) is to attend a peer led support group. AGA, Inc. has registered 107 strategic alliances in the past six years.

If you would like more information about attending upcoming AGA peer support group meetings, please email Bill and Barbara at AGAYorkCo@gmail.com


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