The St. Joseph Council of the Knights of Columbus are organizing a “Walk for Life” event to be held in Biddeford on Saturday, Sept. 21.

Registration starts at 9 a.m. at St. Joseph Church on Elm Street in Biddeford and the “Walk” starts at 9:30 a.m. Each walker will get an event t-shirt and water will be supplied.

The “walk” will cover a distance of 2 ½ miles. Walkers are asked to get sponsors for the walk and any walkers without sponsors will be asked to donate $10.

There will be a prize for the walker with the most paid-up sponsors and the person who collects the most money. The “Walk” will benefit the activities of the Culture of Life Committee of the Knights of Columbus, in solidarity with the unborn and the elderly.

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For more information, please contact Don Maurice at 286-7410 or

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