I read with interest Doni Tamblyn’s “Maine Voices: How does the Canadian health system work? Very well” (Nov. 3), with every word of which I totally agree. Including this sentence: “When many Americans hear the words ‘socialized medicine,’ they visualize Soviet-like, cinder block medical buildings with scarce staff and water dripping from the ceilings.”

I grew up in very “Soviet-like” communist Hungary during the 1950s. Our health care was excellent and, like the Canadian version, totally free of cost and paperwork. It included dental and eye care and no-cost prescriptions as well, and doctors routinely made house calls, too.

It is a pity that today’s U.S. medical industry seems to need the support of falsehood-based scare tactics to maintain its tattered façade. Even more sadly, too many Americans seem to fall for same.

Paul Kando


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