Biddeford Savings, Partners Bank, UPS-Wells and Kennebunk Savings won the Gold Award during United Way of York County’s Community Campaign Finale at Smitty’s Cinema in Sanford recently. Courtesy Photo
KENNEBUNK – The United Way of York County recognized some special people, companies and nonprofits at a Nov. 13 Community Campaign Finale event . So far, 100 companies ad 3,500 donors have raised $900,000 to help support area endeavors. With the campaign results still flowing in, the goal if $1.3 million is on track, said UWYC officials.
Businesses, nonprofits and individual community members celebrated the official culmination of the “U can make a difference”-season with movie-themed awards designed to recognize those who went the extra mile to support the York County community.
Kennebunk Savings, Partners Bank and UPS-Wells won the Gold Award, given to companies with employee campaign participation rates between 80 and 100 percent.
A Silver Award was given to Hussey Seating Company for having a participation rate between 65 and 79 percent.
Bronze Awards went to Baker Company, Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution/P&C Insurance, Velux America LLC, and Xuron Corp. for having employee participation rates of 55 to 64 percent.
Gold, silver and bronze award winners also conducted campaign rallies and other activities to build employee engagement, UWYC officials said.
Companies and nonprofits were honored with special movie-themed campaign recognition awards included : Röhm, Marden’s, Caring Unlimited, Baker Company, Biddeford and Dayton School Department, Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution, Hannaford, UPS-Wells, York County Community Action Corporation, Hussey Seating, Kennebunk Savings, Pratt & Whitney, Corning, Edison Press, and MSAD 60.
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