Time for a senator who shares our values

To the editor,

It has always been my goal to run and operate a small business that’s in line with my personal values of caring for those in my community, working to provide benefits for my employees, and spreading goodwill whenever possible. We strive to do this every day at the Thyme & Honey Bakery, the small business I run in Biddeford.

Unfortunately, I don’t believe Senator Collins and I share these values. Two years ago this week, she was a pivotal vote in passing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, a bill that handed massive companies and wealthy Americans a nearly $2 trillion tax break. Instead of thinking about the wages and livelihoods of people she represents in Maine, she ushered a bill into law that led to 60 companies paying no federal taxes and a 22 percent decrease in workers’ bonuses.

In addition to voting against the needs of hardworking people in our state, her vote also created an opportunity for the Affordable Care Act to be threatened by zeroing out the individual mandate — leading to a challenge that’s working through the courts and leaving the health care of millions of people uncertain.

Our elected officials should be people who share our values, especially those of selflessness and compassion for others. We need someone like Sara Gideon, who has passed $75 million in property tax relief for Mainers and expanded access to education and job training for low-income families.


It’s time for someone to represent us who has our best interests in mind, and that is why I’m supporting Sara Gideon for U.S. Senate in 2020.

Mary Bailey
Thyme and Honey Bakery, Biddeford

Thanks to those involved in Veterans Day parade

To the editor,

As a 6 1/2 year Army veteran, and his wife who survived with him, we would like to thank all those who planned, organized and participated  in the Nov. 11 Veterans Day parade. We would also like to thank all those who attended the parade despite the cold and rain.

A day set aside to thank our veterans is a great tradition. All who participated actively or in the audience are certainly to be appreciated and commended in addition to all our veterans. Thanks to one and all.


Norman and Anne Davidson


Young School building is safe

To the editor,

At the Dec. 18 School Board meeting a concerned citizen also an employee of Young School spoke at Public Comment.

I understand that being a custodian in a building that obviously needs some care you get emotionally involved and might not have the background to understand some of the issues that exist.


The building is far from being perfect but it is maintained to ensure it is a safe and healthy environment for students and staff and I would be glad to show anyone around the school if you are interested or have concerns.

It is unfortunate that an employee felt if necessary to voice concerns without having the education or facts to go along with comments.

Mike Garrity

Maintenance and Transportation Director
Saco School Department

TA headmaster should not have identified himself as such

To the editor,


I could not attend the Dec. 18 Saco School Board meeting but watched it on-line. This meeting was important because a vote was to be taken to renew Mr. Dominic DePatsy’s contract as Saco School Superintendent for another two years.

As a former school board member, I was not surprised at the public furor expressed at this meeting against the possible renewing of his contract. The number one reason for this opposition came from the superintendent’s management of Saco’s Pre-K program which caused a tremendous loss of funds and considerable embarrassment to the city. But the reason for this letter is not so much that his contract was renewed as much as how the public input session of this meeting was allowed to proceed.

Saco’s new mayor, William Doyle, who now chairs the school board meetings, allowed Mr. Rene Menard to speak. Mr. Menard identified himself as a Saco resident but also went on to state that he was the headmaster of Thornton Academy High School (TA). As a citizen, Mr. Menard had full rights to voice his opinion. But by identifying himself as the manager of a private business which takes in a huge portion of Saco’s school budget, his endorsement of DePatsy was inappropriate. This endorsement was inappropriate because Superintendent DePatsy oversees this line item in the school’s budget. Also, identifying himself as TA’s spokesperson may have swayed the opinion of many in the audience and on the school board. After all, TA is one of Saco’s biggest employers. The public statement portion of any meeting is not a place for a private business that deals with the city to condemn or endorse an elected official or municipal employee that will oversee these dealings. Whether this endorsement of Superintendent DePatsy by Headmaster Menard will affect the business dealings between Saco and TA will now have to be closely scrutinized for the next two years.

Ted Sirois


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