An ice fishing hut for veterans is available on Long Lake in Naples. Courtesy photo

NAPLES — The Sebago Lake Anglers Association, in cooperation with Windham American Legion Field Allen Post 148 and Naples Post 155, have launched their handicapped accessible ice hut for veterans on Long Lake off Kent’s Landing on Route 302.

The hut has an 8-foot entry ramp capable of supporting wheelchairs, and there are two heat sources this year, a propane wall-mounted furnace and a metal wood stove. Veterans can fish inside or outside through 10 inches of ice. The hut is equipped with loaner traps and an auger, or veterans can bring their own equipment. Participants are encouraged to bring their own live bait and a bundle of firewood.

Use of the hut is free and veterans do not have to belong to any group to use it. Call Bob Chapin at 571-217-1700 or 655-1028 or Richie Rhoads at 998-3683 or 615-3797 to book a time.

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