Senior Corps volunteers, Foster Grandparents, Senior Companions and RSVP, received 2,266 pairs of socks during their 2nd Annual Warm Heart, Warm Feet sock drive, held throughout Maine in partnership with Renys department stores, which were distributed to people who need them.
At every Renys store statewide, volunteers and store staff collected socks throughout the month of January. In addition, many individuals and companies participated in the annual event including attendees at the 2020 MLK Celebration Dinner, Marden’s of Presque Isle and employees of TDBank, Penquis CAP and Southern Maine Agency on Aging.
The 2,266 pairs of socks, with a value of over $7,200, have been delivered to homeless shelters, soup kitchens and programs supporting older adults throughout the state.
Warm Heart, Warm Feet grew out of Governor-elect Janet Mills 2019 inauguration when she encouraged the people of Maine to participate in a statewide “Day of Service” as a capstone to her inaugural week in office. The Day of Service was a call to action to foster community and civic engagement, one Senior Corps volunteers are committed to continuing annually.
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