On Feb. 4, 2020, at the State of the Union Address, President Donald Trump awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to conservative radio commentator Rush Limbaugh. Before announcing the medal, Trump noted that Rush has inspired millions of Americans. The GOP Members in Congress stood up and erupted in loud sustained applause. Rush seemed moved by the honor, which puts him in the august company of previous winners, such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa, Angela Merkel, Nancy Reagan, Rosa Parks and Billy Graham.

The presentation of the nation’s highest civilian honor to one of the nation’s most odious men marked a new low in the presidency of Donald Trump. That any President would celebrate a divisive demagogue like Rush Limbaugh is truly astounding, immensely disturbing and very sad.

But, you say, doesn’t Trump have the freedom to select a man like Rush Limbaugh to be so honored. Yes, he does, and it’s not surprising that he did so, given that Trump and Limbaugh share so many traits, such as racism, sexism and the propensity to act like bullies.

If you think I’m being too harsh on Limbaugh, just consider some of the obnoxious comments he has made over the many decades that he has spewed bile over the airwaves:

“The NAACP should have riot rehearsals. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.”

“Barack Obama is a veritable rookie whose only chance of winning is being black.”


“If any race of people should not have guilt about slavery, it’s Caucasians.”

“Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society.”

“Women should not be allowed as jurors when the accused is a stud.”

“When a gay person turns his back on you, it’s anything but an insult; it’s an invitation.”

“How can I be anti-women? I judged the Miss America contest”

“Take the bone out of your nose and call me back. “ (To an African-American woman who called in to his show.)


“Barack the Magic Negro” – words sung by another man featured on Limbaugh’s show.

“Slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back. I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.”

And that’s but a small sampling of Limbaugh’s “philosophy,” the kind of hateful and divisive commentary that prompted Donald Trump to say that Limbaugh has “inspired millions of people.” It’s true that’s he’s inspired people to be racist and sexist and homophobic. And he inspired GOP members of Congress enough to give him a standing operation at the presentation, which should tell you something about their values. Incidentally, Limbaugh even managed to make a homophobic reference to Mayor Pete on his show after he received the Medal of Freedom.

Admirers of Trump and Limbaugh love the way their two heroes “tell it like it is,” truth, civility and kindness be damned. And GOP members of Congress not only accept this kind of demagoguery, they stand up and applaud it, as evident from the presentation of the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award.

In previous columns, I have tried hard not to liken the ascendancy of Trump to that of Adolf Hitler. But if anyone isn’t yet concerned about where America is heading, they haven’t been paying attention. The 2020 elections will give us a chance to halt the rise of Trumpism before it’s too late. It’s long past time to say, “No, enough!”

David Treadwell , a Brunswick writer, welcomes commentary and suggestions for future “Just a Little Old” columns. dtreadw575@aol.com

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